Impact of Color on Mood

Colors not only express personality and add aesthetics to a room; they can also influence one’s mood. Hence, it is important to take note of how the room will be used and the time of day it is frequented before settling on an interior color scheme.

Green: Seeing the color green has been linked to more creative thinking—so greens are good options for home offices, art studios, etc.

Violet: People link a grayish violet with sophistication, so it can be a good selection for places where you’re trying to make the “right” impression.

Blue: People are more likely to tell you that blue is their favorite color than any other shade. That makes it a safe choice. Seeing blue also brings thoughts of trustworthiness to mind; always a good thing.

Red: People seeing others in front of red backgrounds generally find those other individuals are more attractive than when they see them silhouetted against other colors, so reds are great for a bedroom wall. Having a red surface in view also gives us a burst ofstrength, so reds are good choices for home gym areas, etc. Seeing red has been linked to impaired analytical reasoning, though, making it a bad option for offices.offices

Yellow: Using yellow in a home can be problematic. Many people dislike the color, so if you have a lot of yellow rooms in your home or a yellow front door, you may be advised to repaint to get the best price for your home should you sell. An exception: Many people use yellow in kitchens—with no negative sales repercussions. Yellow may be accepted in kitchens because warm colors stimulate ourappetite.

Neutral: Black, brown, gray and white blend well with any color. They are associated with confidence, formality and strength of character. They allow people and other elements to shine, while giving the space a warm and relaxing atmosphere.

Pink: The many shades of pink have different effects — soft, pale pink can soothe; warm pinks can uplift one’s spirit and motivate, while hot pinks can stimulate and energize. Interior design trends have elevated pink from the little girl’s room, and with the appropriate accents, pink can add an elegant touch to any living space.

Orange: A friendly color that improves the mood and appetite, orange is usually the color of choice for kitchens, breakfast nooks and dining rooms. It also stimulates conversation, and adds warmth to a room. While bright orange can make a room feel hot, toned-down orange, like terra-cotta, can be soothing. Earthy orange, like copper, brings sophistication.